MS. Prom Debacle

April 14, 2010 at 4:05 am (News) (, , , , , , , )

Original UsaToday Story

Lesbian teens in America have a lot of things to worry about, having their prom canceled because of intolerance shouldn’t be one of them. I first read this story and was sickened by the hate. No matter how the small town in MS colors this, that’s what it boils down to. This girl deserves her prom, and it’s nice to see established Lesbian celebrities, such as Wanda Sykes and Ellen Degeneres stepping up and offering scholarships and appearances for the young lady, but they shouldn’t have had to in the first place. Also big ups to Green Day and other “straight” Celebs for lending a hand.

The good old boy network wasn’t done yet either. After the ACLU and other civil rights organizations got involved, they seemed to relent. Unfortunately what happened next was only what I could think of as a plan hatched by some drunken rednecks, because they are the only group of people that I think could find the following funny. The straight kids got their own prom, and the Lesbian teen was told to go to another spot, with the implication that her classmates would be there. So this young woman and

This is a nation that is supposed to be stronger because of all the different people we have, not a nation that discriminates against sexual preference, race, gender, or any other dividing line, yet that is our history. We killed the hell out of the Native Americans, enslaved and killed the Africans, and have killed Gay and lesbian citizens. So much for All Men being created equal.

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