Shield #1

April 14, 2010 at 4:01 am (Comics) (, , , , )

First off, I need to give a shout out to Joe at Comix connection in Mechanicsburg, for giving me his copy of this book. Just another reason I shop there every damn week for my comics.

I’m also going to try and review this thing without spoilers because maybe not everyone has gotten their copy of the book yet.

Onto the book….

A great start to a promising series. The first issue of this reminds of the pacing in the first arc of Immortal Iron Fist. You get a lot of history to go along with your main story, and it fits in fine with the epic scope of this book. The more established characters they use to tie this series into the Marvel Universe proper are great choices. The threats that this secret society have dealt with are some of the biggest in Marvel History. I can’t wait personally to see how they have done with some of the things they have dealt with.

The new characters introduced seem interesting so far. Overall the character design in this book is some of the nicest I’ve seen in a long time. The art itself is good, and definitely feeds into the ambiance of the title. I really dig the cover, with it’s distinct images, and breakdown.

My one beef with the book is that it is going to be Bi-Monthly. This almost seems like a minor quibble, but bi-monthly books historically don’t do well. I understand that right now Hickman has his hands full, but this book could be the title that really shows his style off the best. I hope the publishing schedule doesn’t kill such a promising book.

4 Brood Queens out of 5.

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