An all around good guy

May 19, 2010 at 12:05 am (News) (, , , , , )

I’ve had the pleasure to be a member of the Panels on Pages message board since it’s inception. It’s a great community, and has some great people. Pete is just one of them, but at the same time has a great story, and is an upbeat, positive person. Here’s a small interview that he was gracious enough to grant, enjoy.

EDD: When did you start cosplaying?

Chi Town Spidey: Back in 2005 at Wizard World Chicago. I had just finished my Spider-Man costume, and it was such a great costume, I wanted to show it to a bunch of people that would get a real kick out of it. I couldn’t get five feet in without someone wanting a picture. It wasn’t movie version, my costume was as if I popped out of a comic book. People loved it! It was something they knew, something that they remember from watching tv. It wasn’t a movie version fad that other cosplayers do. It was different, which what I was going for.

EDD: Why did you choose Spider-Man?

Chi Town Spidey: I have always wanted to be Spidey! When the costume was finished and I put it on for the very first time I actually said the line from the movie Kick Ass. “I look fucken awesome!”. *laughs*. Spidey was a true hero to me, I’m talking about the Spidey pre-OMD. My real name is Peter, so fate maybe. Not to mention when I’m in costume, I get into character! Crouching, running, jumping, interacting! You can’t just put on a spidey costume for show. When I dawn that mask….I give the people what they want, Spider-Man. Smile

EDD: Are there any other characters you would like to tackle?

Chi Town Spidey: I already tackled Chuck(NBC Chuck). People say I have the build to play The Flash as well.

EDD: Can you tell us about The Vault?
Chi Town Spidey: The Vault is my happy place. Smile. It’s a place for my comics, sketches, sketch books, and memorabilia. I keep on making it better, but when i saved enough money, I’m going to get some display cases and make it look really sharp!

EDD: What is your favorite piece of memorabilia in the Vault?

Chi Town Spidey: *laughs* I really don’t have a favorite. I love all of them! Either it is comics from FCBD to signed comics, from my personal sketch from J Scoot Campbell to the inspirational letter from Michael Turner. I love dem all!

EDD: I understand that Michael Turner was very important to you, can you tell us about that?

Chi Town Spidey: Oh man, he was my hero. Plain and simple. Mike was the type of person that didn’t really care about how “important” you were. If he made promises, he kept them, if he could do something that could put a smile on your face, he did it. He lived every day with a smile on his face. He’s important to me because when I was diagnosed with cancer (leukemia) he sent me a letter of encouragement! I didn’t even know the guy!! I just loved his artwork, thought it was really cool, and then my brother sent him an email and BOOM! FEDEX PACKAGE came with that letter and signed comics. It gave me so much hope! He was such a class act!! I’d be honored if I ever came that close to an inspiration as he was. I was devastated when I found out he passed in 2008, but two days after that, I went for my checkup and my doctor told me I was cured. Smile You can’t tell me Mike didn’t have a hand in that. Smile

EDD: Tell us about the child you met this year at c2e2, and what you did for the kid.

Chi Town Spidey: He was being bullied for a year or so. His parents took him to C2E2 to cheer him up, since he liked comic books. Spider-Man being his favorite, I overheard his parents talking to the vendor asking if Spidey was going to make an appearance that day. I didn’t plan on it, but had the costume with me. I told the parents that he would arrive on Sat and Sun, but they only had a Friday ticket. The kid looked like he needed a pick me up, so I ran to the bathroom and changed. Met up with the kid. He was awe-strucked. Smile He told me he was afraid to go to school because of the bullies. I told him it was okay to be afraid, just as long as you can control it. If you control it, you’ll find out that there was nothing to really be afraid of. Guess he took it to heart, got an email from his mother saying that he was doing a better job in school. He even stays after classes to help his classmates out with their homework if they have any problems!! How cool is that!!!?? Right time, right place I guess, but I’m so happy he’s not having any more problems any more with bullies. S’funny, it’s 2010 and the “bully” problem in the schools still hasn’t been resolved yet. It’s a shame really.

From: Mueller, Kimberly
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 11:50 AM
To: Norbot, Peter
Subject: FW: Thank You

Hi Peter,

This email will really make your day…

Thank you so much for doing whatever it is you did to help out this little boy.

Kim Mueller
Programming Coordinator

From: Rose Portel
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 11:44 AM
To: Mueller, Kimberly (RX); Tatara, Peter (RX)
Cc: Kinney, Christopher (RX)
Subject: Thank You

I hope I got the right person(s)…if not please disregard.

Dear C2E2,
I wanted to send you an email on what your convention has done to my 7 year old boy. My husband and I went to your convention in Chicago, to cheer him up since he’s been having a bad year. My son, Scott is not the most popular kid in his class and has been getting picked on by some other kids in his school. Both my husband and I have gone to the school to discuss this matter with the principle and the other kid’s parents. It has worked a few times, but generates back again. It appears that no one can stop “Bullies” or change the way the parents raise them. Scott doesn’t cause any trouble, does his homework on time, is a good kid at and out of home, it just pains me to see him go to school afraid to be picked on. It’s just been a troubled time for him so my husband and I decided to take him downtown on Friday to see C2E2 since Scott loves comic books.
His favorite is Spider-Man and when we arrived we saw that Spider-Man wouldn’t be appearing until Sunday. We were a little upset since Scott looks up to Spider-Man a lot. You should see his room. Anyways as we walked the convention floor, we were buying him some toys and asked the vender if Spider-Man would be coming any earlier, the vender didn’t know, but there was a man there that over heard us and told us that he would appear on Saturday as well. We explained to him that we only had a Friday ticket and our son really wanted to meet Spider-Man. I don’t know if this man worked for you, he had on a white t-shirt that said POP! on it and black baseball cap, but he looked down at Scott, smiled and said to him “I actually know Spidey, if you wait right here I can guarantee you that he’ll be here. I’ll go fetch him for you if you like?” We were shocked and agreed to remain right where we were. After five minutes I hear my son shout out “SPIDER-MAN!!!” There he was a personal appearance with his favorite hero!! Scott talked to Spider-Man for a while and after that…he became a changed boy. I don’t know what Spider-Man said, but Scott is more social, happier, and doesn’t let any bully pick on him. His grades have actually improved as well! His teacher called us to let us know that he has been helping his classmates with his homework if they have any trouble! He even gain so much confindence to join the baseball team! We are so very proud of him!
I don’t know if you know who the person in the Spider-Man costume was, but if you see him, please tell him Thank You and Thank You as well!! The show was fun and fantastic after Spider-Man met up with Scott.


EDD: You’re hanging up the webs for now, can you talk about how you came to this decision?

Chi Town Spidey: Sure can. Smile I’ve done the Spider-Man thing, I made a lot of memories, friends, and people smile. I never received a bad complement from my costume! All A++++’s. *laughs* The difference between me and my comic book counter part is that MY LIFE is a lot more important to me and that is a huge responsibility. To my wife, my friends, my family. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being in that costume and no doubt I’ll dawn the webs again if NEED BE, but for now, been there done that, now I just wanna enjoy the ride with the more important things in life. Once SDCC 2010 gets a glimpse of the Chi-Town Spidey. I’m going to frame that costume and it’s going in The Vault!

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